Why Agile and Scrum Are Good For Software Development
Almost all IT-companies today seem to use Agile methodology for software development, or at least they think they do. Agile is an approach that promotes iteration, meaning that a software is built incrementally. In the Agile environment, both development and testing take place in parallel, unlike it was before with Waterfall model. Agile project management is flexible allowing the client and development team to make changes at any stage of the working process. This way Agile maximizes the value of the product during the development process. All mentioned qualities make Agile the go-to method for helping IT startups and development teams organize collaboration and create a quick and efficient product.
What Is Agile Methodology
It’s a tricky question, because the word “methodology” means a set of principles and rules applied in a discipline. But Agile itself embraces the avoidance of any prescribed methods and procedures. Agile doesn’t include any definite methods. It’s not a methodology in the usual sense of the word. It’s rather a guidance of ideas on how to choose the right methods enabling an IT-team to work efficiently. If translate to English “agile” means “being able to move quickly and easily.” Thus, agility is the ability to constantly adapt, change and make improvements on the way.
A Bit Of History
Agile was established in 2001 by a group of 17 proficient IT specialists that gathered at a mountain resort in Utah. All of them agreed on a core idea: companies are more focused on planning and documenting rather than satisfying the customer’s needs. The result of this meeting was the agile manifesto. It includes 4 main principles for agile project management that are as follows:
How It Works
Agile implies dividing the whole project into a series of smaller tasks (usually they are called user stories) and prioritizing them. User stories are delivered in small cycles called sprints. It’s essential for a team to prioritize the tasks and focus on one Scrum sprint to achieve the best possible result at the moment. Different stages of product creation - planning, building, testing, reviewing - repeat until the final product is launched. Agile teams are well-organized and self-motivated because Agile helps create a kind of rhythm and friendly environment in which the team performs. Though initially the agile manifesto emphasized the importance of direct communication, today, in the period of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown limitations, Agile still remains relevant. Just now, all daily meetings, regular communication and collaboration moved to Zoom and online space
Why to Choose Agile
Agile is an umbrella term for a variety of techniques that share the same values and ideas. Each of them are used in distinct fields and own different features. The most popular Agile frameworks include Scrum, Kanban, Hybrid, Lean, Bomodal, and XP. Today, we are going to shed some light on the Scrum method that is widely used in IT surroundings.
Scrum As The Most Popular Agile Framework
This term was borrowed from rugby team formation, when they restart play, and was introduced in the paper by Takeuchi and Nonaka in 1986, published in Harward Business review. Highly effective, cross-functional teams can be compared to rugby close-knit teamwork. Scrum is a process in which a set of IT practices is applied on a regular basis to work collaboratively, as a team, and obtain the best possible result from a project. These practices support each other and their selection originates from a study of how highly productive teams work.
Why “Scrum”?
In Scrum methodology, partial and regular deliveries of the final product are made, prioritized by the benefit they bring to the recipient of the project. For this reason, Scrum is especially suitable for:
Basically, Scrum is not a technique or a process it is a simple and short framework to tackle complex problems in a project and deliver a high value IT product in a creative way.
So What Are the Main Distinctive Attributes of Scrum Framework?
Scrum is not a complex study and can be assessed easily, it helps minimize the time and avoid wasting it for non-crucial activities at every certain moment. Shortly, after each sprint you may have a draft project. Development in Scrum is done in sprints, which are 1, 2 and 3 weeks long depending on a project, this approach facilitates concentration on a particular project or its part at a short period of time.
There is no correct Scrum, as well as no “incorrect” one. Its flexibility belongs to each and every point in this framework. No set rules, therefore no restrictions. This allows the development team to be flexible enough to adapt to those changes if the company changes its mind. The ability to accommodate the project to change is one of the most useful features of Scrum framework.
Scrum is adaptive and gives the client a chance to make changes to the project any time. It is based on just-in-time planning, undoubtedly, a stunning option for clients who know what they want and desire to follow every step in project development.
There Are 3 Main Roles in Scrum Team:
Product owner
The primary responsibility of the Scrum product owner is to maximize the value of the product and the work of the development team. Additional tasks include managing the Product Backlog.
Scrum Master
The certified Scrum Master makes sure that the team complies with the theory and its rules, helps the team boost their effectiveness by removing obstacles on their way, gives assistance.
Development Team
The development team consists of self-organizing professionals, ideally between 5 and 9 members, who convert Product Backlog into Increments, therefore they possess all the necessary skills to do it.
Sounds pretty complicated, but it’s vice versa. Scrum facilitates effectiveness and collaboration on each phase. The team achieves collaboration in different ways, but to understand it properly best will be just penetrate into the process itself.
The Scrum Process Explained
In scrum the process stages are called rituals, because alike rituals they are rigorously followed. These are:
Often, the project can be so complex and versatile that one Scrum Team is not enough to cope with it, then a number of qualified specialists will save the day. What can be better than one Scrum team? Right, several Scrum teams working together. As a result we’ll get Scrum of Scrums where the roles and coordination method are defined the same way.
In spite of increased criticism, most agile principles are still relevant today, especially in the time of pandemic. It’s because they are based on the human nature. Collaboration is becoming even more essential now as projects increase in size and scale. When implemented in a right way, agile Scrum method works wonders for IT projects and developers, even if they collaborate remotely. As nobody knows when the pandemic ends, it means that most companies will continue to work online. The development teams will have to stay goal-driven and productive towards achieving the common goals, and Agile could come in handy.
Our team is ready to talk to you about your project and we look forward to discussing your specific requirements or to answer any questions you may have.